Government Contracts and Public Procurement
Pender & 科沃德的政府合同和公共采购业务律师代表大型, small, minority and woman-owned businesses that contract with federal, 国家和地方政府采购货物和皇冠线上买球平台, including construction.
我们的律师在就公共合同的订立向客户提供咨询皇冠线上买球平台方面经验丰富, and the certification, recertification, and administration of government and public contracts. 我们为承包商在履行与联邦政府的合同过程中经常需要的法律咨询和代理, state and local government agencies, 并定期与客户合作,处理和提供法律代表,涉及:
- Bid Protests
- Small business, minority and woman-owned business issues
- 协助准备合同调整变更的请求和索赔, defective specifications, differing site conditions, and delays and time extensions
- Miller Act and Little Miller Act bond claims
- Inspection, acceptance and warranty matters
- Termination of contracts for default
- Termination of contracts for the convenience of the government
- 大卫培根法案,皇冠线上买球平台合同法案和沃尔什希利公共合同法案索赔和DOL审计
- Cost accounting and pricing issues
- DCAA audits
- 《皇冠线上买球平台》、《皇冠搏彩APP下载》、从业资格和其他道德问题
- Litigation of claims before the Armed Services, and other Agency Boards of Contract Appeals, 美国联邦索赔法院和美国联邦巡回上诉法院
我们的律师在处理具有政府合同特有的标准条款和条件的合同和分包合同方面经验丰富,这些合同和分包合同受许多社会经济政策和义务的约束, ethical standards, and cost accounting standards. 我们在根据1978年《皇冠搏彩APP下载》处理与联邦政府的索赔和纠纷方面经验丰富, which prescribes strict procedures for resolving disputes. 我们在与弗吉尼亚联邦机构和当地公共机构签订合同方面也很有经验,这些机构要遵守不适用于正常商业合同的法定规则和法律原则.
Successful litigation and negotiation of a $4.承包商因场地条件不同而提出的额外费用索赔300万美元, delays and design defects of federal office building.
在美国最高法院、巡回上诉法院和联邦法院成功辩论的案例.S. 地方法院涉及对《皇冠搏彩APP下载》的正确解释,以及对许多《皇冠搏彩APP下载》案件的成功起诉和辩护.
Successful litigation of claims on highway project for delays, breach of implied warranty of access to jobsite, differing site conditions, 以及支付下级法院和弗吉尼亚最高法院的自有设备费用.
代表市政府就承包商对市政府的延期索赔进行成功的谈判和解决, extra work, claim of city against contractor for billing irregularities, 以及其他违反合同的行为导致市政府追回了大约1美元.9 million from contractor.
代表某城市成功调解因桥梁施工有缺陷而向承包商索赔约3美元的案件.5 million to reconstruct bridge.
成功的公平调整和合同索赔代表承包商谈判解决对联邦索赔, 州和地方政府机构,而不需要全面的诉讼.
Made claims, litigated and settle claims exceeding $500,代表位于切萨皮克的一家钢铁制造商提出建设性变更订单索赔, 弗吉尼亚州反对朴茨茅斯燃煤热电联产设施的承包商, Virignia whihc was built to provide steam and electricity.
Successfully arbitrated claims in Seattle, 根据《皇冠搏彩APP下载》,代表总承包商对分包商的履约保函进行担保,因为分包商的工作有缺陷,未能完成涉及普吉特湾海军造船厂干船坞#6的混凝土修复和修复工作, resulting in an arbitration award and recovery of over $450,000, including all attorney’s fees and costs incurred.
在美国田纳西州东区地方法院提起诉讼, and settled claims exceeding $400,为田纳西河谷管理局所属的地面柴油储存库的清洁和重新涂层分包商的建设性变更订单工作以及延迟和中断索赔提供了000美元.